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Excellence in times of change

Financial service providers in Switzerland and elsewhere are facing far-reaching upheavals. Regulations, low interest rates, political insecurity and poor returns due to structural changes in business models are proving challenging for banks, insurance companies and pension funds alike. Innovation and fast-paced technological developments are accelerating these developments yet further. What conditions do the players in the Swiss financial industry need to continue leading the way internationally in such a challenging environment? How can the financial world of tomorrow offer excellent services? And to whom? What opportunities and challenges will the financial sector encounter over the next few years? Under the motto “Excellence in times of change", the Swiss International Finance Forum 2017 will explore the three key points monetary policy, investment crisis and international competition.

Proven experts from Switzerland and abroad will address these and related issues from various perspectives and discuss solutions. There will also be plenty of opportunities for cross-sectoral networking and face-to-face talks in an exclusive setting.

Further information you can find here.


Programme brochure SIFF 2017

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Photos 2016

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This page provides you with photos of the Swiss International Forum 2016.

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