
Regulation and risk transparency –
the new realities of institutional asset management

Legal and regulatory requirements for institutional investors are increasing at national and international level. Many of these safeguards are desirable, not least because they help to protect investors, shareholders and the economy as a whole. However, such a multitude of measures combined together has the cumulative effect of a “regulatory straitjacket” – which also entails challenges and risks.

What challenges will institutional investors face in future in terms of increased regulation? What role can intelligent risk management play? Do the parameters need changing? Does the financial sector need to fundamentally redefine itself? In what way does the role of the asset manager need to change?


Ralph-Thomas Honegger

CIO, member of the Executive Board, Helvetia Group

Ralph-Thomas Honegger has been Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and a member of the Executive Board at the Helvetia Group since 2002. From 1996 to 2001, he held various managerial positions at Helvetia Patria Insurance and was a member of the Executive Board for Switzerland.


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Vera Kupper Staub

Vice-Chair of the Swiss Occupational Pension Supervisory Committee

Vera Kupper Staub worked as a pension fund adviser at ECOFIN Investment Consulting, UBS Asset Management and UBS Brinson, before becoming the CIO of the City of Zurich Pension Fund. She has been serving as the Vice-Chair of the Swiss Occupational Pension Supervisory Committee since 2012.


Andreas Markwalder

Director of the GastroSocial Pension Fund

Since 2014, Andreas Markwalder has been responsible for managing the GastroSocial Compensation Fund and Pen­sion Fund in his role as Director. He was previously CIO for 14 years in the same company, heading major projects.

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